Friday, July 23, 2010

A Fourth For The Blogs

The fourth of July weekend this year was definately one for the Blog!

The weekend started off with your typical BBQs, fireworks and family get together. However, on Monday the 5th, my family hosted an Ol' Backyard Neighborhood Reunion.

The Bybees and the Jacobias(Blackfoot, ID neighbors) were all there to help celebrate this fun event, in which one of those family members, from both those families, were two of my best friends growing up. Jamie (now Jamie Bowers) and Kim (now Kim Heward) were two of the three (Candis was unable to attend due to the face that she just had a baby 5 days prior) friends I grew up playing barbies with, had sleep overs with, and had my first business with ~ lemonade stands with and basically rattled the neighborhood with.

It's been over 20-years since we'd all been together, and I have to say, nothing has changed. We are all the same!! Well, maybe a little taller, wider and definitely wiser!

It was such a pleasure to sit down, laugh and talk about the old times. It brought back so many memories and good times.

Made we wanna be a kid again --- almost.

Our parents were also a hoot to watch. To sit and look at them as they probably looked at us those twenty years ago, made me realize just how quickly time flies and how quickly life can slip away from you. 20-years is a long time to let go by without seeing the people who had such an influence in your life..... So, with that said, I want to dedicate this blog entry to all the people I grew up with. Thank you to you wonderful neighbors for your influence, your advise, and most of all your love! I know that I would not be the person I am today without the guidance and love from you! Thank you!

And, God Bless America!!


  1. sounds like it was so much fun!! I love getting together with old friends!!

  2. AH HA!! I found you! Happy birthday Lovely! Looks like you had a blast!
